11:10 to 12:35 p.m. MW B26
Ed Bond
Los Angeles Valley College
Office: BJ114-A
(818) 947-2574
Office hours:
Mondays 4-5 p.m.
Tuesdays 4-5 p.m.
Wednesdays 1-3 p.m.
Textbook: The Reporterâs Handbook by Steve
The Associated Press Libel and Style manual is
also required.
Course description/objectives:
Prerequisite: Journalism 101 with grade of C or better.
Required of newspaper journalism majors. Emphasizes principles and practices
in writing specialized types of news. Increases mastery of reporting skills.
Each assignment will receive a letter grade such as A,
B, C, D or F. Spelling and grammatical errors will cost one point.
Ten points will equal one letter grade. For example, a "B" paper with ten
errors would get a "C." Turning a paper in late will lower
the grade by one letter grade for each class day missed. No paper will
be accepted more than one week late.
You will work on two kinds of assignments in this class.
One set will be due to me in class. Another set will be work for the Valley
Star or a student internet publication that I approve as meeting the needs
of this class.
Asssignments for the class may vary according to the needs
of the student newspaper. The schedule below is a rough approximation of
the kinds of stories I want you to cover.
Excessive, unexcused absences (five
or more) may also hurt your grade. If you cannot be here to class on time,
you should reconsider your schedule.
Your final grade will be determined by a point system.
Each grade will earn you the following points:
A+ 4.25 A 4 A- 3.75
B+ 3.25 B 3 B- 2.75
C+ 2.25 C 2 C- 1.75
D+ 1.25 D 1 D- 0.75
Then, you multiply those points from each assignment
according to this formula:
Writing assignments:
Grade X 5 = _________
Valley Star assignments:
Grade X 5= _________
Final Exam:
Grade X 12.5 =_________
You will also get other quizzes, in-class and take
home exercises that will be worth points toward your final grade. Also,
you will get one point for each week you have perfect attendance, meaning
that you are
present when I call roll each day.
Total up your points and see where you fall according
to the chart below.
275+ A
175-275 B
75-174 C
25-75 D |