I've always liked the Irish Mairi and Maeve, as well. And Colleen
is always
nice for a wee Irish lass. Of course as a Catholic in semi-questionable
standing, I should remind you that St. Brigid, along with Patrick,
serves as
Patron Saint of Eire. But if it's a boy, you might as well just
NAME him Red,
because you KNOW he's going to get your coloring, Ed.
Candy Nall
Hi you first timers,
I feel I would be remiss in not putting the name Margaret into
the ring,
(I feel it's my duty) and also to ask why "Cosmo" is not in contention,
it's not like your last name is Politan.
a "Clark" aunt for the 11th time
Response from Ed/Amy: Wellll..... Cosmo wasn't what we really figured
on calling a child. But who knows? Maybe it will evolve into a nickname
that will torture him/her for years to come. :-)
Why we are using "Cosmo" for now. (Cosmos we have known.) |
Congratulations. I just passed the baby news around the newsroom.
Reaction from Ray Finger: "How did that happen?"
Reaction fromGarth: "I bet he had help."
Does this mean you'll be leaving La-La land for the Northeast now that
have to raise a young'in? Does this mean if the child is African-American
Asian that you'll be filing for divorce?
Keep me updated.
Love Always,
Wayne T.
congratulations! actually, i've mean to check out your homepage,
but didn't
until just now. what an incredible find! love the temp-name
"cosmo." kinda
fits you and your treky motif.
the family must be psyched, as they should be. hard to believe
we're all
growing up, despite the fact that i think wayne and i are fighting
it all the
give amy a big old, but gentle, hug for me. my sister just had
twins - a
handful to say the least but says she'll anxious to do it again.
thank god
it's all up to the ladies.
i'll check in again soon, promise.
Nice home page, I've added it to favorite places. Tell Amy I think
she's just
trying to suck up to the "forgotten middle child" in one of your name
We are all thrilled by the big news and hope all goes well.
Mary Anne
Congratulations on Cosmo! Loved the card to Amy's mom. Whose idea? When
was the picture taken?
-- Jeff
P.S. Love your glasses and goatee logo on the website!
Response from Ed:OK. I'll admit it . It's an old photo, from
Christmas a few years ago, but it did rather capture the emotion
of the moment. Not e that Amy still has long hair. I need to get
some with her new haircut up on the site.
The card to Amy's mom was Amy's idea. She created it the night before. |
BTW - Congratulations!!!!!
Congrates on the baby Ed!
I would name it Eddie or Samantha.....