The Research Assignment
So, you're pulling your hair out, trying to find the answers to the research assignment? OK, let me repeat the main guidelines for this assignment and maybe it will help you. If you are pulling your hair out in frustration, youíre probably not pursuing the information in the right way. Most of the answers will be found in reference books, for example, the ones I brought to class. Or for other examples, check the textbook in Chapter 4 for ideas. The answers to many questions may not be found in the Valley College library, but may be found in L.A. City or other public libraries. Some questions may not be found in a library, but you might try looking for the answer by flipping through books on shelf in a bookstore. Finally, failing that, you will probably have to try calling informed sources who might have the information. But no matter what, you must name the source, and the source must be credible. Using the Internet is OK, but give me the URL and be wary of what you get. Everything you find on the Internet should be taken with a grain of salt. Also, you are limited to using the Internet for only 12 questions. Using the Internet on the bonus questions does not count against that limit of 12. There are personal questions about me in some versions of the assignment, and neither I nor anyone I know will give you the answer. However, I can only tell you that you have the means to discover the answer based on what you have been given in the class. I am not posting the assignment online. If for some reason you do not have the assignment or missed class when I handed it out, you should email me for a copy. Finally, there are multiple versions of this assignment, so it probably will not help you to copy from your fellow student. Good luck, Ed Bond