Stealth Checkers is changing its name to MetaCheckers.
Future editions and apps will switch to this name as they launch after March 15, 2015.


Stealth Checkers Lite

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Stealth Checkers 2.0

app store logo ($.99 version with full options and layouts)

How to Play



Kangaroo checkers

Stealth history


US Patent Publication No. US 8657289 B2
Feb 25, 2014

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Website reviews [To see what kids who have played the game said, click here.]


app picker

"This app is perfect for adults and kids alike ... The game did take me some time to get used to but I quickly became quite addicted." [readmore] — Jan. 13, 2013


"Stealth Checkers is a blast … a fresh take on two old school board games that can be fun just about anytime you want a little break from the norm. It's easy to get the hang of, lots of fun and of course will help you pass the time on the way to grandma and grandpa's house. And for $.99, it's a steal." [read more] — Dec. 18, 2012


"I must confess it is fun, quick to play and very original. ... Stealth Checkers is a very interesting take on a classical game." [read more] — Dec. 13, 2012


"Stealth Checkers is a fun, original idea that can be a fun distraction for anyone needing a quick game fix, and gives old classics a new twist." [read more] — Dec. 10, 2012


" I love how this game can change with one roll of the dice. It is nearly impossible to come up with a game plan because you are totally at the mercy of the dice ... I think this app is wonderful way to teach beginning chess players or children about the movements of the chess pieces without the other complexities of the chess." [read more] — Dec. 6, 2012

best apps for kids org

"Stealth Checkers by Dreamgames is one fantastic app! This game came to the developer in a dream and I’m sure glad he followed his dream. We had a ball testing and playing Stealth Checks and I am pretty sure we are hooked!" [read more] — Dec. 3, 2012


Nov. 30, 2012


"The app is an absolutely delightful combination of checkers and chess that results in a truly unique gaming experience." [read more] — Nov. 30. 2012


"... makes checkers more a  game than it ever was. ... Try it if you’re looking for a challenge!  Stay away if you want something mindless because this is not it!" [read more] — Nov. 28, 2012


"This high quality app not only combines two traditional board games, checkers and chess, but throws in an unexpected element of fun by adding dice. Previous knowledge of checkers or chess is not necessary." [read more] — Editor's choice Oct. 30, 2012

Also included in list for apps for high school and middle school!

intomobile "This game is for all ages, but kids 7 to 10 years old will especially like this game because it teaches them how chess pieces move but without having to worry about the strategies and complexities of chess." [read more] — Oct. 24, 2012

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